Things I can't stop talking about...
/If you spend anytime with me, you will know that I like to talk. Faith, politics, books, food, family, home decor, you name it… So here it is. For February 2019—a few things I can’t stop talking about:
Image by Nick Kelley via The Magnolia Journal, Spring 2019
One. Life Unfiltered article via The Magnolia Journal, Spring 2019. Joanna Gaines beautifully summarizes a conversation I have with myself—often. I love creating beauty, I love learning from other designers and makers who create beautiful things, and I love discussing and sharing ideas amongst one another. Of course, social media—in particular Instagram & FB are natural places to share our ideas & creations. In fact, after 5 years of following a variety of design bloggers, I’m an infinitely better decorator.
But, all the edited, curated beauty is also exhausting. And Joanna Gaines breaks it down so well in this piece. How many of us can relate to “letting this small square on my phone become yet another thing to perfect.” And she challenges herself and the reader to not let it become a “means to measure our worth or compare our lot in life with another’s. It is not an honest mirror or window, because that view is always obscured to the point of only catching a glimpse.” So beautifully said! With this in mind, I will continue to wrestle with the tension between creating & enjoying beauty, and not letting myself and in particular my family become prisoners to an impossible standard of perfection.
Image & Recipe Via Lucinda Scala QUinn, Mad Hungry. This is a great one bowl Chocolate cake. I made it for Valentines day—you can find the Recipe in Mad Hungry: Feeding Men & Boys. Here’s an easy buttercream frosting to with the cake.
Two. Mad Hungry Insta stories— I ❤️ watching Lucinda Scala Quinn cook. She’s in her modest NYC kitchen, but she cooks like a boss. And she cooks straight from her fridge—using ingredients that she has on hand. Delicious, yet so approachable.
Three. Organization & bathroom items from Better Homes and Garden. Available at Walmart. Many of you probably know that I live in a pretty rural town. The nearest Target is 45 minutes away, so Walmart is often my go to if I need to quickly grab something for the house. And I have been really surprised by how much I like their Better Homes and Gardens line. From bath mats to glass containers for cotton balls to cute storage boxes for my closet, I think there are quality for the price and a lower price point and some of their competitors. I’m a convert.
Four. These two books: Educated and The Choice (I read this in two days). The autobiography of a holocaust survivor—harrowing, beautifully told, inspiring. If you’re a fan of Viktor Frankel’s Man’s Search for Meeting—The Choice will also inspire you.
So good!!! Bought at Costco. Next time, I’m stocking up. : )
Five. And because we just celebrated Valentines Day and my kids asked me what was my favorite candy… These are probably not new to anyone but me & Brock, but Dark Chocolate Mint Crunch Pretzel Thins from Snack Factory = our new favorite snack. In fact we like them so much, we’re attempting to hide from kids. It’s like a cross between a thin mint and a pretzel.... delish!
Of course, I would also love to hear what you can’t stop talking about (or thinking about). I always love good book suggestions, recipes, or must have house items. Please share below or message me!